Harlekin, und die anderen Kinder der Drachen

  • Sereatha's ambassador to the Elven Court is Caimbueul, a swordmaster and wizard adept. His arrival at Court has caused something of an uproar, partly because of Sereatha's stated intent to support Shosara, but also because of Caimbueul's behavior. A senior member of the Knights of the Crimson Spire, who are dedicated to preserving true elven traditions, Caimbueul has been vocal about the corruption of the Blood Wood ever since his arrival. Alachia's courtiers marvel at his apparent freedom to voice his views with impunity. Only his considerable charms seem to keep him safe from Alachia's wrath; the queen seems to blissfully ignore even his most scathing comments. Certain Court insiders, however, have a different view. They insist that some relationship exists between the queen and Caimbueul that accounts for Alachia's unusual tolerance. Some see Caimbueul's position as a Knight of the Crimson Spire as the reason; others suggest possible family connections between the two, as both hail from the Western Kingdoms. Whatever the truth, Alachia has yet to chastise Caimbueul publicly. Whispered rumors suggest that the two share a more intimate relationship in the privacy of the Queen's chambers.

    Even more troubling for the queen's consortis is the peculiar relationship Alachia seems to maintain with the Sereathan ambassador, a swordmaster and wizard adept Named Caimbueul (...). He treats the queen far mor familiarly than does any courtier, taking liberties in word and deed that would leave anyone else missing his head.

    Also läuft es wohl auf Schwertmeister und Magier hinaus.

  • Yo, im deutschen Blutwald-Regelwerk wird Caimbeul auch als Schwertmeister/Magier dargestellt, aber da steht nicht das er definitiv diese Disziplinen ausübt, es wird nur vermutet. Mir gefällt die Vorstellung, dass er ein Troubadour/Magier ist besser.

  • "nachtmeister" schrieb:

    Ich selber kenne "Caimbeul von Har Lea Quin" und Aina nur aus den
    oben genannten ED-Romanen und "Endlose Welten", ach ja und aus der Drachenherztriologie.
    Da ist der einzige Drake der auftaucht "Quicksilver"

    Ist das Euer Ernst, daß die beiden Uralten auch Drakes sind?
    Interessant, das muß ich unbedingt selbst lesen...

    Ich lese das Buch über Quecksilber grade (sry, Name des Buchs fällt mir nicht ein), wie kommst du darauf ein Drachensohn ist ?

    Wer andern eine Bratwurst brät, der hat ein Bratwurst-Brat-Gerät.

    Super-Might-Tricks: #Evil Bat #Scatter #Scramble

  • Lies alle drei. ;)

    In a free society, diversity is not disorder. Debate is not strife. And dissent is not revolution.

    George W. Bush

    And while no one condones looting, on the other hand one can understand the pent-up feelings that may result from decades of repression and people who've had members of their family killed by that regime, for them to be taking their feelings out on that regime.

    Donald Rumsfeld

  • The Blood Wood schreibt also über Harklekin. Ich nehme an das dies ein Earthdawn Buch ist, da ich noh keins gelesen habe. Gibt es irgendwelche lesenswerte über Dunkelzahn oder Ghostwalker?