Impfstoff Dunkelzahn!

  • Zitat

    Den Firmen und Regierungen der Welt überlies Dunkelzahn die Formel für einen Impfstoff, der allen Kindern die nach dem 31 Oktober 2060 geboren werden gegeben werden sollte


    Frage steht irgendwo was es mit dem Impfstoff auf sich hat und weiß wer ob die Regierungen und Firmen sich an die Anweisungen gehalten haben? Kommt ne neue VITAS Welle und Dunkelzahn will die Leute vorsorglich impfen?

  • "[url= schrieb:

    The Ancient Files[/url]
    (Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets & The Forever Drug)"]The vaccination was made based on compounds and enzymes found in dragon blood. Those who developed the vaccination believed they were imparting increased longevity to their children, while others (like Lofwyr) believed DUnkelzahn was attempting to create a new draconic servitor race. According to one of the leading researchers, the vaccine may have resulted in a new metatype, and the date was critical, as the mana level had to be high enough for the vaccine to activate. The vaccine was destroyed before it could be distributed by a raid of Humanis Policlubbers, who were indirect pawns of Lofwyr.

    In a free society, diversity is not disorder. Debate is not strife. And dissent is not revolution.

    George W. Bush

    And while no one condones looting, on the other hand one can understand the pent-up feelings that may result from decades of repression and people who've had members of their family killed by that regime, for them to be taking their feelings out on that regime.

    Donald Rumsfeld

  • neiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin ich les den roman grad. :?

    manchmal muss ich mich für meine stadtsleute schämen :-(

    women, huh? can't live with them, can't successfully refute their hypotheses.