Sorry aber was ist das ?

  • hiho,

    ich muss mich wohl für meine Unwissenheit entschuldigen, aber was ist SURGE und was sind Otaku ?

    Wer andern eine Bratwurst brät, der hat ein Bratwurst-Brat-Gerät.

    Super-Might-Tricks: #Evil Bat #Scatter #Scramble

  • Die Suchfunktion ist dein Freund, ansonsten das Year of the Comet und das Matrix.

    In a free society, diversity is not disorder. Debate is not strife. And dissent is not revolution.

    George W. Bush

    And while no one condones looting, on the other hand one can understand the pent-up feelings that may result from decades of repression and people who've had members of their family killed by that regime, for them to be taking their feelings out on that regime.

    Donald Rumsfeld